Reform California "Plain English" Voter Guide

Compiled by Carl DeMaio

“Please look carefully at your ballot to find the Republican central committee race. It’s time to reform the Republican Party starting with new leadership on our local Central Committee. That’s why I have endorsed a slate of grassroots activists that are committed to cleaning house and revitalizing the Republican party!”

– Carl DeMaio, Chairman of Reform California

VOTE for This Republican Central Committee Slate:

What IS the Central Committee?

Every County has a Republican Party Central Committee that acts as its Board of Directors with the duty to raise funds, endorse candidates, wage campaigns and grow the Party. The San Diego County Republican Party has 45 elected central committee positions on the ballot this year.

It’s Time to Shake Up the Party!

Sadly, the current Republican Party is a complete mess! Locally, the Party has lost seats for years. It’s time to reform the Republican Party starting with new leadership on our local Central Committee. That’s why Carl DeMaio has endorsed the following unity slate of grassroots activists that are running together with a commitment to clean house and revitalize the local party!


Vote for These Candidates to Revitalize The San Diego Republican Party:

5th Supervisorial District

  • Brett Wilkins
  • Matt Stockton
  • Jack Fernandes
  • Laura Bassett
  • Corey Gustafson
  • Armen Kurdian
  • Alana Sorenson
  • Kori Jensen
  • Lee DeMeo

4th Supervisorial District

  • Laura Lothian
  • Matthew G. Phy
  • Amy Reichert
  • Kristine Alessio
  • Rebekah Winfree
  • Edith “Edy” Johnson
  • Bill Exeter
  • Bob Divine
  • Andee Aceves

3rd Supervisorial District

  • Kris Sheffler
  • Melanie Burkholder
  • Joseph Linares
  • Garvin Walsh
  • Judy Rees
  • Haydee Sperling
  • Patti Hopkins
  • Andrew Skale
  • Summer Boger

2nd Supervisorial District

  • Dan Bickford
  • Randy Berholtz
  • Kristie Bruce-Lane
  • Judy Simeroth
  • Anthony Balistreri
  • Ben Good
  • Corbin Sabol
  • Frank Hilliker

1st Supervisorial District

  • Brett Davis
  • Patty O'Mara
  • Cheryl Perez
  • Anna Renwick
  • Rachel Perez
  • Craig Candelore
  • Shirley Nakawatase
  • Erika Lowery
  • Paula Whitsell

State & Local Ballot Measures

Prop 1 – Vote NO

Plain English Title: Raids Treatment Programs to Subsidize Government Welfare Housing

Politicians’ Ballot Title: Authorizes $6.38 Billion in Bonds to Build Mental Health Treatment Facilities; Provides Housing for the Homeless

California’s homelessness crisis will absolutely get worse if Prop 1 passes! Prop 1 raids and diverts funding from treatment programs that serve homeless people in favor of giving billions in subsidies to rich developers for expensive government-subsidized mega housing projects. The mega government housing projects that would be subsidized under Prop 1 have been criticized by numerous independent government auditors for being wasteful – costing as much as $1 million per unit! That is hardly “affordable housing!”

Prop 1 also eliminates your right to vote to reject government welfare housing projects from being placed in your neighborhood. We need to reject Prop 1 and tell politicians to use our precious funds for more efficient options like treatment and shelter beds for the homeless!

Measure A – City of San Diego Only (VOTE YES)

Authorizing the City Auditor and Audit Committee to Use Outside Legal Counsel Instead of Elected  City Attorney

The audit committee’s independence is vitally important to hold politicians accountable. If the audit committee believes that the city attorney is not providing impartial and appropriate legal support, they should have the option of using outside independent counsel.

Measure B – Mountain Empire Unified School District (VOTE NO)

A property tax increase! As enrollment declines in public schools in California, school districts need to consider more cost-effective alternatives.

Measure C – Rincon Ranch Community Services District (VOTE NO)

A property tax increase!

State & Local Candidates

U.S. Congress Races

U.S. Senate

Steve Garvey

U.S. House of Representatives

District 48: Darrell Issa

District 49: Matt Gunderson

District 50: Peter Bono

District 51: Bill Wells

District 52: Definitely Not Juan Vargas

Legislative Candidate Races


District 39: Bob Divine


District 74: Laurie Davies

District 75: Carl DeMaio

District 76: Kristie Bruce-lane

District 77: No Endorsement

District 78: YOU ARE DOOMED

District 79: YOU ARE DOOMED

District 80: Michael W. Williams

County Candidate Races

Superior Court Judge Office #41

Brian Erickson

Superior Court Judge Office #43

Valerie Summers

School Districts

San Diego Community College District D

Andrew Gomez

Escondido Union High Trustee Area 5

David Vincent

Chula Vista

City Attorney

No Endorsement

City Council District 3

Daniel Rice-Vasquez

City Council District 4


San Diego

San Diego Mayor


City Council District 3

Ellis T Jones

City Council District 4


City Council District 9


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We need YOUR help to share this voter guide with key voters before the March 5th California Primary Election! Please consider chipping in to our efforts today!

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